Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Mexico - City

As soon as I knew I was flying to Mexico City I decided to visit the `Casa Azul`, the house in which Frida Kahlo was born and where she died (in between she lived in many different places).

Maria, a friend of mine, gave me a nice book about F.K., and as a kind of introduction I started to read it. The book is called "Frida", and is written by Barbara Mujica (an American novelist and Spanish professor). She describes Fridas life in great detail from the viewpoint of her sister Christina. As the book is fictitious, not all the events described in the book, really took place, but the main events are correct.
I really enjoyed reading the book, it´s written very captive and interesting. Mujica starts from the very beginning when Frida was a child, going on to the marriage with Diego Rivera and the engagement with politics, ending with the sickness and dead of Frida. The personality of Frida Kahlo is described very precisely.


And I guess almost everybody knows the movie about Frida Kahlo from 2002. Frida is presented by Salma Hayek (a great actress). A really good movie!

I always liked and was fascinated by the pictures of Frida, so through the book and the movie it was fantastic to learn more about her life, her love, her suffering and the background of some pictures.

Well let´s move on to the `Casa Azul` (the blue house): 
(in fact, that house remembered me a lot of the `Jardin Majonelle`in Marrakesch, because of all the intense colors and plants).

The house is situated in the southwest of DF in Coyoacán. This used to be a proper little village by that time (you shouldn´t miss the center of Coyoacán, its really nice, with a nice square, old houses, a cathedral, market and many restaurants and cafés).

The house itself is not so big. There is a nice beautiful patio, with lots of plants and flowers.
You could visit some of the rooms (ktichen, sleepingroom etc.).
What I liked the most was to see the studio of Frida Kahlo, and of course her sleepingroom, with all the dolls and decoration.

There was another special exhibition with her beautiful Techuana dresses and her corsets, crutches etc. (these things where only discovered in 2004)
For more information see the link below:

To put everything togheter:
A great, emancipated women, a fascination life (even if it seemed to be very hard sometimes) and a fantastic work!

In this spirit: `Viva la Vida`

Montag, 29. September 2014

Berlin is a great city. There are a lot of things to discover.

As I love food and as Berlin is famous for its Currywurst, I will talk about it.

A nice introduction to the Currywurst would be the novel by Uwe Timm: "Die Entdeckung der Currywurst".

Actually there is a kind of fight about the Currywurst, because some people say it was invented in the Ruhrgebiet (or in Hamburg).
So whatever or whoever is right, the Currywurst is quite typical in Berlin.

When you arrive in Berlin Tegel the first thing you have to do is to visit the old sbahn-coach and eat one Currywurt with `Pommes rot-weiss`. I like them a lot there and even though they are at the airport they are affordable and quite tasty.


Another great place for CW and I guess the most famous one is the Konopke Imbiss at the Eberswalderstrasse in Prenzlauer Berg. They are sold there since 1930. Even Gerhard Schröder ate CW there. They are the oldest ones and yummy!!


And by the way: On the other side is a great little cafe, inspired from NY-cafes. For the coffee and brownie.... after the CW ;)


Next check out Curry 36 in Kreuzberg at the Kottbusser Damm. This is a good an famous place too, you can choose between sausages with or without skin, they have as well `Krautsalat` (coleslaw).
Very close to Curry 36 is the famous `Gemüsedöner`, sometimes you have to wait there for 1 hour, it is supposed to be very good, but I did not try it yet.


And finally my absolute favorite currywurst. You`ll find it in the Markthalle 9. This place is great and famous for the Thursday-Streetfoodmarket. You´ll find there everything to eat, from taiwanese, to schwäbisch, really great!

But to eat the Currywurst it is better to go on a saturday, because then it´s not that crowded. You have to order the Currywurst from the applepig in the Kantine, that´s the little restaurant in the market. I have to admit it´s not so typical, because its served with salad, but it´s sooo delicious, I love it!
After your lunch take a coffee in the café on the other side of the market (Eisenbahnstrasse).


Dienstag, 2. September 2014

Jeddah, where is Jeddah?

It´s not so known, because you actually can´t go there except you have a working visa, be part of an organized tour or you have a transit, but not longer than 3 days.
So it´s quite complicated.

Well I´m talking about Saudi-Arabia. Jeddah or Dschidda is the second biggest, and the most western City in Saudi-Arabia.
The country itself has no parlament, the ruler is the king. The islamic religion is the fundament of the whole state. The jurisdiction is based on the Q´uran (Scharia).
Especially the women are disadvantaged. They have not so many rights.
For a western women it´s quite hard to accept the terms.
You can´t go anywhere alone and if you have a man who accompanies you, you have to wear an abaya and cover your hair.

Except all that, the city, especially the old city is very interesting. I was so lucky and found some colleagues with whom I went to the city.

The old town is worth seeing, the houses are from the 19th century and built in the traditional adobe architecture.
Unfortunately the country isn´t so eager about restoring the building, but they start slowly. Some houses got very pretty, but others are ruins.

To walk around the shops and markets was great, but you felt like you are in a different unrealistic world. I sometimes didn´t feel very comfortable.

As I returned, i went directly to the cinema and watched the first saudi-arabian cinema movie (from a women Haifaa Al Mansour). The movie is called "Wadjda".

The film is fantastic, i loved it, it was sad and funny at the same time. Even it was very difficult for Haifaa Al-Mansour to make the movie in Saudi-Arabia, you don´t really realise it. Have a look at the trailer and interview

In total, a good, interesting and new experience!

A great book/ novel about Saudi-Arabia was wirtten by dave Eggers "A hologram for the king".
It´s about a lonely man, traveling for work to Saudi-Arabia; about his daily somehow strange experiences, thoughts and feelings.
In 2015 the book is going to be made into a movie by Tom Tykwer. And the protagonist is going to be Tom Hanks.
I´m looking forward to it!

My latest trip was to Tokyo

I headed to the south of Tokyo, because I wanted to see the Mount Fuji in all of it´s glory.    
The weather forecast was very good, but unfortunately it turned out to be not that well.
But anyway I had two great new discoveries:

One were the black eggs
And the other Onsen

Well, let´s start with the eggs:
I went to Hakone, which is about 2 hours south of Tokyo in the area of the five lakes near Fuji. Hakone is actually kind of a national park, there are mountains, to be precise volcanic mountains, like the Fuji itself, and a great lake.
You can leave from Shinjuku-Station in Tokyo with a special train, the panoramic train (and the best is, you buy the free ticket for 5000 yen which is about 40 euro) then you can use all trains, busses, the cable car, and the boat).
But I discovered that later, so I took the normal train to Ohinawa (which is a nice little city as well), and then the bus to Hakone Yomoto. From there you take another train, which goes up to the mountains. It’s a great scenery. I have been there in January, but I think in spring, summer and autumn it must be beautiful with all the flowers etc.
The next step was the funicular, which is spectacular, because it goes over the volcanic area, so you see rocks, and smoke coming out from nowhere, its really strange, but superinteresting.

On the highest point is a little walking path on which end you find a little hut, where eggs a sold. And now the highlight: The eggs are black. You can only buy 5 eggs (I wanted to have only one..) in a little bag with salt. Next to the hut are stone tables and everybody is standing around , knocking their egg on the table, then peel them and eat, hilarious.

And, well I am not such a big egg fan, but I really liked them, I ate 3 of them!!
I am not sure how they are cooked, maybe they are cooked in the hot volcanic water, but I think what is more logical, they are put in the hot volcanic turf, that’s how they would get the color as well.

From this viewpoint you have a great view on the Mount Fuji-san, I saw it a little bit, but unfortunately there were too many clouds.

Now the second discovery, which was greattt!

I went back to Hakone Yomoto, and only with the help of Lonely Planet and a nice guy, I could find a nice Onsen right behind the railwaystation.
If you don’t speak or read Japanese its sometimes difficult to get around and find places…
But I was lucky.

Onsen are public baths, the water is coming from natural volcanic springs.
This Onsen was quite small, there was one basin for women and the other for men. It is strictly separated. Before you enter you have to wash your body. The bath is outside, so if its too hot you just sit on a stone next to the bath.
The water temperature was quite high, I guess more than 40 degrees, because it was hard to stay in the water for more than 10 minutes.
It was soo relaxing, fantastic, I felt like newborn afterwards, and the skin felt so soft!

After this bath I also survived the almost 3 hours trip back to Makuhari, half sleeping in the train, but that’s nice, nobody cares about that, because almost every body is sleeping :)