Montag, 29. September 2014

Berlin is a great city. There are a lot of things to discover.

As I love food and as Berlin is famous for its Currywurst, I will talk about it.

A nice introduction to the Currywurst would be the novel by Uwe Timm: "Die Entdeckung der Currywurst".

Actually there is a kind of fight about the Currywurst, because some people say it was invented in the Ruhrgebiet (or in Hamburg).
So whatever or whoever is right, the Currywurst is quite typical in Berlin.

When you arrive in Berlin Tegel the first thing you have to do is to visit the old sbahn-coach and eat one Currywurt with `Pommes rot-weiss`. I like them a lot there and even though they are at the airport they are affordable and quite tasty.

Another great place for CW and I guess the most famous one is the Konopke Imbiss at the Eberswalderstrasse in Prenzlauer Berg. They are sold there since 1930. Even Gerhard Schröder ate CW there. They are the oldest ones and yummy!!

And by the way: On the other side is a great little cafe, inspired from NY-cafes. For the coffee and brownie.... after the CW ;)

Next check out Curry 36 in Kreuzberg at the Kottbusser Damm. This is a good an famous place too, you can choose between sausages with or without skin, they have as well `Krautsalat` (coleslaw).
Very close to Curry 36 is the famous `Gemüsedöner`, sometimes you have to wait there for 1 hour, it is supposed to be very good, but I did not try it yet.

And finally my absolute favorite currywurst. You`ll find it in the Markthalle 9. This place is great and famous for the Thursday-Streetfoodmarket. You´ll find there everything to eat, from taiwanese, to schwäbisch, really great!

But to eat the Currywurst it is better to go on a saturday, because then it´s not that crowded. You have to order the Currywurst from the applepig in the Kantine, that´s the little restaurant in the market. I have to admit it´s not so typical, because its served with salad, but it´s sooo delicious, I love it!
After your lunch take a coffee in the café on the other side of the market (Eisenbahnstrasse).

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