Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014

Eggs Benedict

I´m not a big egg fan, but I love Eggs Benedict.

Some days ago I had a discussion with my boyfriend about where Eggs Benedict come from. I said they´re from England, he said they´re from the US.

Unfortunately he was right. We did some research and we found out that there are two invention stories, not clear which one is right:
The first: The chief from Delmonico´s Restaurant in New York invented the Eggs for the financier Le Grand Benedict, he wanted something new: Eggs a la Benedict
The other story: The stock broker needed something for his hangover in 1894 in the New Yorker Waldorf - Astoria - Hotel: finally he got Eggs Benedict :)

I thought they are from England, because I ate my first Eggs Benedict in London (they seem to be very british to me anyways).

The original Eggs Benedict are made with a muffin (salty), then some bacon, a poached egg and finally sauce hollandaise .

Then I ate some in Vancouver, and I was in heaven, they where sooo good. Best Eggs Benedict ever!
They where not the classic ones, but with spinach, salmon, sauce hollandaise and on top capers. Yummy!

Quite good as well where the ones in New York in Baltahasar (, which is quite an institution in NY. Nice to be there once, but its quite pricy.

In between I tried to make them myself at home, but that´s quite tough!
I tried it quite a couple of times, but I never was really happy about the outcome.

You take some water, let it simmer, and put some vinegar inside.
Open a egg, put it in a little bowl and then slowly, put it into the water. A friend of mine gave me the tip to stir the water around, until there is a little swirl.
Leave the egg in the water, until it gets white (the eggyolk should stay liquid)
Take some bread, muffin or whatever you want, then bacon, or salmon or..... you are free to combine everything you desire :) (I even made it with avocado once).

but very important: Sauce hollandaise.
and its ready!

If you need some more advice, watch the millions videos on Youtube.

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